Jun 27 2008

no phone. *sniff*

Published by at 10:03 am under amy's head,likes & irks,moblogging,random

As you may or may not know, I stash things in my bra from time to time.

Yesterday I worked from home, and when quittin’ time came ’round, I made up some PBJs, tossed some grapes in a tupperware, filled up some water bottles, and stuffed all the various swimming paraphenalia into a bag. I went upstairs and got my swimming suit on, went downstairs grabbed all the stuff, stuck my keys and my phone in the top of my swimming suit and took off to get the kids. They were very excited to go to the pool.

And of course, I forgot about my phone, in my suit, until after I was in the pool.

It’s dead now. Completely defunct.

I am eligible to get a new phone but they’d probably try to lock me down to a 2 yr contract and James and I are eyeing the new i-phone. I know we shouldn’t get them, because aside from the $400 bucks for 2 phones, the monthly bill would be a lot more than we’re paying now because we’d have to add a data plan for each of us. I get mad at our cell phone bill NOW and if we got iphones it would be $60 BIGGER.. Grr.

But with no phone now, and the new i-phone coming out in 2 weeks for only $199… Well, I’m making no promises.

The saddest part? Whenever I got a new phone, I was going to keep this one to be my bedside sudoku game phone. Hmph.


4 responses so far

4 Responses to “no phone. *sniff*”

  1. gamer-geekon 27 Jun 2008 at 11:38 am

    I sympathize, I had a phone brick due to water damage before. It sucks!

  2. amyon 27 Jun 2008 at 11:44 am

    @gamer-geek: At least it’s a teeny tiny brick 🙂

  3. asmon 27 Jun 2008 at 12:22 pm

    If you give it a few days it might come back.. My brother soaked a few and one of them came back to life after it had a few days to dry out.

    asms last blog post..Icanhaslolcats

  4. Lindaon 30 Jun 2008 at 12:47 pm

    Yeah! I learned in Korea that wet (we’re talking dropped in water fully soaked wet) phones are totally fixable, and I think the whole no-hope-wet-ruined myth is a conspiracy on the part of U.S. phone people to make us buy more phones.

    Lindas last blog post..The little buggers