Feb 29 2008

February weigh-in

Published by at 10:42 am under amy's head,goals,project skinny

I lost 3.5 lbs in February.

Yay me!

While I did not make my goal of 5 lbs a month, I am happy to say the crack down in the last week made this month at least respectable and not abysmal.

This makes a grand total of 18.5 lbs. I’ve also updated my project skinny chart (link on the side).

Now to keep up the momentum into March 🙂

One response so far

One Response to “February weigh-in”

  1. lindaon 29 Feb 2008 at 4:10 pm

    18.5 pounds! sweet! that’s so awesome. i think i’ve gained that much this year. is there some kind of weird transference thing going on? ha.

    seriously, you rock. i like projects.

    linda’s last blog post..Oscars, briefly (very briefly)