Things have been a whirlwind lately, what with our home going under contract, arranging movers, locking down interest rates, last minute travel to Denver for house shopping, etc etc ETC!! Things are *ca-ray-zee*!!
One thing is sure — My shop will be closed about 3 weeks, from Friday, June 17 to Monday, July 11th (this may change depending on how many boxes get unpacked once we arrive!)
All that in mind, I think now is a great time to have a jewelry sale! All finished jewelry 20% off, from now until I close Friday 6/17:
Recently I received an email from a friend and customer pointing out that what looks like my Shenandoah earrings have been published in the latest Step By Step Wire magazine. The earrings project in the magazine is called “Lace Skirts” by Lauren Anderson, who goes by The Chainmaille Lady on artfire and Etsy.
pg 23 in Step by Step Wire magazine

raine studios’ Shenandoah Earrings
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As we will be moving this summer, and I don’t have the best track record for updating my banner monthly, I’m making this my summer 2011 banner.

View all archived banners here.
In honor of Ethan’s birthday this month…

To see all the banners for, click here.
Our house is now on the market (YAAAAAAAAAY!) which means that now at the drop of a hat, we must scurry around cleaning up and then vacate the premises so strangers can tromp through (not a booo, because the more strangers tromping through, the more likely it is someone will want to BUY!)
So we’ve spent a good bit of time in the car, out doing things, away from the house this weekend.
Cute the FIRST:
I was working in my studio, which is (now) in a smaller room off the big room in our basement. The big room has tall Ikea furniture holding many bins which hold toys. I could hear Jocelyn as she hummed and sang away as she pulled toys out – a Barbie head whose hair she could brush, some Strawberry Shortcake dolls and assorted furniture, a variety of very small stuffed animals. She hummed and played and then skipped off upstairs without cleaning up, so when I emerged from the studio and saw the toys on the floor, I called her down, saying, “Jocelyn, come clean up your toys!”
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