Archive for July, 2008

Jul 20 2008

Sunday bloody sunday

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Jul 18 2008

iphone takes good photos!

Published by under kids,photos

Ethan did indeed turn up with a fever this morning and a cough that sounds suspiciously croupy to me. He obviously felt much better after the motrin kicked in, but he and Daddy are kickin’ it at home today.

So me and Jocelyn were on our own on our way to school!

I must say, I’m pretty impressed with the iphone’s camera quality. But the subject still does have to hold still. Will someone please build me a app for “keep kid in place for picture”? I’ll expect that in the app store shortly!

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Jul 17 2008

working out the mobile blogging

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I had it all worked out several hosting companies ago, but am now tryign to get it all set up again. if you got like 10 posts in the feed, i apologize! (you got a blast from the past, if you did!) still trying to work out the photo resizing business…

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Jul 17 2008

This morning

Published by under amy's head

He looks sick don’t you think? Went to school anyway. Cutie girl!

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Jul 17 2008

Screenshot #3

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I pretty much installed every free app available. Filled 3 screens full.

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Jul 17 2008

Screenshot #2

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Jul 17 2008

iPhone obtained!

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Here’s a screenshot.
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Jul 16 2008


Published by under amy's head,likes & irks

Well, the time has come to stop pussy footin’ around and get me an iphone. I took part of the day off and I’m not going home without one. Unfortunately, getting up at 5.30am got me to Tyson’s Corner mall (the only place on the apple availability checker* that still had 16G phones) at about 7am, and shortly after I arrived, the nice Apple guy came out and said they have plenty of 8G phones, but only a handful of 16G. Not enough to get to where I was in line. He also said they expected a shipment today but who knows when, how many, what, etc. I sat in line for a while longer, but then I got to thinking that as long as I was waiting around for a shipment anyway, I might as well head down to Fair Oaks and wait for *their* shipment. Fair Oaks is more accessible (Vienna is a mess to drive around in, so much traffic) and whenever I do get my hands on a few 16G iphones, James is going to have to meet me, and Fair Oaks would be easier for him.

*Just a note on this apple availability checker: The real one, on apple’s site, is only accessibly after 9pm. One night while I was sitting waiting for it to be 9pm so I could check it, I thought, “what if i just turn my clock forward?” Which I did. And it showed me the availability. Someone else noticed the same thing and put it in the page I linked to above, so you can check the availability anytime, not just after 9pm. I have double checked it’s accuracy by calling stores which the checker said had phones in stock, and it checked out, so this checker is pulling actual store inventory, and not estimated shipping or anything like that. Good stuff!

So I left and zipped down to Fair Oaks and am currently lounging in one of the loungey areas, right in front of the apple store. Nobody else is here in line, even though the availability thingee says they have the 8G in stock. Guess everyone wants the 16G! (Whoops, my bad, that is Pentagon City that has some 8G. This store is completely sold out.) I’m going to be hanging out here until they either receive some, or I see in the availability thingee that another store has gotten some in, in which case, I’ll be zipping on over.

In anticipation of getting the iphone, I’ve been reading up on it, downloaded a few iphone podcasts, etc. which has only served to make my iphone fervor reach MANIA level.

Wish me luck, because I AM GETTING AN IPHONE TODAY!


Jul 11 2008

iphone – WANTY WANTY!

Published by under amy's head

James and I did a drive by our local AT&T store this morning and saw there was a decent sized line, about 40 folks. We kept on driving to work, hoping to go out later today and avoid the lines.


I’ve been using james’ old Treo 700w since my phone got ruined (and it still doesn’t work, after many man MANY days of drying out) and I have to say 2 things. The damn thing never rings EXCEPT WHEN I’M TESTING WHETHER OR NOT IT WILL RING, and solitaire is way too addictive. At least when I was addicted to sudoku I can rationalize it away because it’s good for your brain. Solitaire probably KILLS brain cells with it’s mindlessness. AND YET I CANNOT STOP PLAYING IT.


I already downloaded a crapload of applications already! Last night in fact, at 1:30am, because I could not sleep! Because I was too excited! ABOUT THE IPHONE!

OK, that isn’t true. I couldn’t sleep, but it wasn’t because of the iphone. HOwever, when I was laying there trying to sleep and trying not to look at the clock to calculate how many hours of sleep I could get before my alarm went off BUT ONLY IF I FELL ASLEEP AT THAT MOMENT, the iphone played a recurring theme in the brain that is me.



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Jul 03 2008

Skyline Caverns

Published by under amy's head,photos

IMG_1213, originally uploaded by crazymokes.


OK, not mars. Ethan’s kindergarten class went to Skyline caverns at the end of the year. I went with them as a parent helper. This is a shallow pool where the ceiling is reflected on the surface of the water.

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