Nov 07 2007
knock knock humor as interpreted by the under 6 set
(taken place around the dinner table in the last week or so)
james: knock knock
jocelyn: who’s there
james: interupting cow
jocelyn: interupt–
Ethan: Knock knock!
me: Who’s there!
Ethan: apple!
me: apple who?
Ethan: Apple fart-head!
me: knock knock!
ethan: who’s there!
me: boo!
ethan: boo hoo!
me: aww, what’s the matter, why are you crying?!
Jocelyn: knock knock!
james: who’s there
jocelyn: interupting cow!
james: interupting cow who!
jocelyn: interupting cow macaroni and cheese!
ethan: knock knock!
james: who’s there
ethan: interupting sheep!
james: in—
jocelyn knock knock!
me: who’s there!
jocelyn: bowl!
me: bowl who?
jocelyn: apple in the bowl!
me: knock knock
jocelyn: who’s there
me: interupting cow
me: inter–
everyone: MOOOOOOOO!!
jocelyn: knock knock!
ethan: who’s there!
jocelyn: MOO!
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