Oct 15 2007

the chairs I’m re-upholstering

Published by at 6:44 am under crafty,daily,house

recovering them in this:


Ahhhh it’s good to finally get pictures off the camera and posted.

So, I’m recovering them, yes. What I’m not sure about, is if I want to do anything to the wood..

Options: do a darker stain, do a color (instead of a stain), or do an outrageous color (bright red comes to mind).

OR… I could leave it. Which I am inclined to do, because honestly, I quite like the color as it is!

Some other chair redos i’ve seen around design blog-land:

absolutely beautiful things:

steamed artichoke studio:


2 responses so far

2 Responses to “the chairs I’m re-upholstering”

  1. annaon 15 Oct 2007 at 10:03 am

    Nice chairs. I am always a fan of leaving wood as wood. That being said, I bet they would look gorgeous with a cherry stain.

  2. laneaon 15 Oct 2007 at 10:39 am

    I have to cover the seats of my kithcen chairs with a tighter weave so that they gather less cat hair. Of course, I’ve been planning that for more than a year, and have about 100 yards of fabric in my own damn house, but it’s still not done. Slack.