Archive for April, 2007

Apr 10 2007

monkey on my back

Published by under amy's head,daily,photos

you know, we all have our little vices to get us through the day. i’m sure others out there share one of mine – reading blogs.

here is another. it started out simple enough. just a quick purchase at the register at the checkout. I love me some altoids, and these looked pretty tasty. so i bought some.


Altoids Tangerine Sours. They are goooooood. I pop one in my mouth 2 or 3 times a day, and they last a week or two. Yum.

So, the next time I stood in line at the register and saw these, I grabbed a tin. I mean, who can resist altoids? They’re curiously strong!

mango sours altoids

Mmmmmm, Mango! Yummy yummy mango! How did they know? Mango is my very favorite fruit!

Of course, when those were gone, more were purchased.

mango sours altoids

I was hooked. And so of course, came these:

raspberry sours altoids

Now, I must say, that these aren’t actually my favorite. (Mango holds that title.) But they do seem to be more readily available at the checkout line. So my raspberry tin collection grew.

raspberry sours altoids

Now, I must confess, that these have been bought and consumed over several months, some probably were eaten back in 2006 and I just never threw away the tin. (Surely something crafty and cool can be done with these empty tins, right? RIGHT!)

But a few days ago.. I found something new.

Something truly irresistable.

Something chocolatey and altoidy all at the same time.

chocolate dipped mints altoids

Oh, beautiful tasty dark chocolate dipped mints. You are the first brown altoid tin to take up residence on my desk, and I know you won’t be the last. OMGWTFBBQ this is the best altoid idea EVER! And they make them in 3 different flavors. Peppermint (shown blurrily above), ginger and cinnamon!

I know I will have to resist buying more of these right away.. I bought this tin just a few days ago.. and already..

chocolate dipped mints altoids empty

… ALL GONE. Oh altoids, I CAN’T QUIT YOU! Since I obviously cannot practice restraint with these about, I’ll have to practice restraint in their purchase.

Oh, but they’re so very good.

So, this leaves me to confess another way I pass the time during the day.

Occasionally, I take camera phone pictures of the random shit on my desk during lunch and post them on the internet.

-amy is the originally celebrated curiously strong AMY.

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Apr 09 2007

lovely weekend

Published by under amy's head,daily,house,kids,photos

Oh boy, where to begin? What a fantastic weekend it was.


The weekend actually started for the kids, on Thursday. Jocelyn was up all night coughing and fiddling around Wednesday night, so much that I thought she must be really sick. So James took the kids in to school and let both teachers know that I would be picking them up around noon to take Jocelyn to the doctor. Well, it turned out our pediatrician was only open until 11am, which meant I needed to get Jocelyn there by 10.30, which meant I needed to pick them up by 10. The only reason we sent them in anyway was because Jocelyn had her Easter party and we didn’t want her to miss it. So I took them to the doctor, Jocelyn got examined and she’s fine, just a cold. Their school was closed on Good Friday (James stayed home with them then), so they had a very long weekend!


Friday night performance was fantastic. Oh, can I tell you how much I love the music we sang? So beautiful! It’s sooooo good. I’m so sad that it’s over and now we won’t be working on it in rehearsal anymore. We had a pretty good turnout, and it went really well.


Saturday Jocelyn and I went and did some errands in the morning, and James took Ethan to the Udvar-Hazy Air and Space Museum (it’s near Dulles airport in VA instead of downtown DC). All accounts given pointed to them having a fabulous time, with a stop at an ice cream shop before getting back home to top it off. Jocelyn and I did some boring things. Bank. Pick up pictures. Stop at grocery store. I made the mistake of commenting to her earlier that morning, that her dress-up dress was getting too small, and we’d have to get a bigger one. One should never say this until one is ready to go out THAT MOMENT to get a new dress, because everywhere half hour, she said, “Will they have a bigger dress here?” “Are we going to get me a bigger dress now?” etc. I decided that if I waited until after Easter, then all those fancy easter dresses would be on sale, I could get her one that is too big (perfect for dressup) and I should wait until then. Plus, I bought a little girl dress pattern with a gift certificate that Anna gave me for my birthday (ain’t she sweet??) and I thought I should get busy on that as well.

So we got back home (sans new bigger dress) and put up some Jocelyn photographs in her room. I had some up long ago, took them down when we painted it, and then the pictures got carried off, taken out of the frames, and otherwise mangled, so it was time to get those back up. Jocelyn loves to look up at the photos and say, “That’s me, JOCELYN!”

Then I started on another project I’ve had in the back of my mind for a long time. I’ve wanted to try freezer stenciling, and even had bought blank tshirts for the kids in preparation for it. So today was the day. I traced the stencil onto freezer paper, cut it out with a kitchen knife (oh exacto! where art thou?) ironed it on to her shirt, and then we both sat down and painted it in. I reread all the directions later, and found that I actually did the painting wrong – you’re supposed to DAB, not STROKE, and Jocelyn and I stroked. You’re also supposed to use very thin layers, and well, we just globbed it on. It turned out fantasticly though, and I set it in the dryer the next morning, and then Jocelyn wore it all morning until she spilled water all down the front. It is just the cutest little shirt ever, in my opinion. I may make one for me. I don’t have a picture of her wearing it yet, but here is the stencil:

girls rock!

When Ethan was home, I asked him what he wanted on a shirt for him, and he kind of gave me a blank look.

“boys rock?” I asked.
more blank looks.
Jocelyn has a shirt that says, ‘My daddy loves me,’ so then I suggested, “How about ‘I love my Daddy?”
Finally, an opinion, “NO, I love TRUCKS!”

So an “I love trucks” shirt is in the works next. I have the stencil all cut out ready to be ironed on, but I need to get a blank shirt for him. The one I had was deemed unacceptable, because it is yellow. “BLANK MEANS WHITE MOMMY!”

Sunday was more crazy project fun. On a much bigger scale. Earlier that week, Ethan verbalized some thought processes to me, while we were in Jocelyn’s room.


Ethan: “I slept in this room with Jocelyn before.”
Mommy: “You mean when Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle Larry visited?”
E: “Yeah. In a SLEEPING BAG!” (they didn’t visit in a sleeping bag. he slept in a sleeping bag. because uncle larry was in his bed)
M: “Ahhh, yup.”
E: “And this room used to be mine.”
M: “Yes, it was, when you were a little little boy.”
E: “I could sleep in here with Jocelyn again. We could share it.”
M: “You mean move your bed in here?”
m: “Then what would we do in your room?”
e thought about this a minute.
e: “We could make it a toy room!”
m: “You know, I could really go for this idea.”

I mentioned it a few more times to both Jocelyn and Ethan, told them maybe we could try it out for a while and see how it goes, brought up other “problems” as I thought of them, just to see what solution Ethan would think of (“What about naptime?” “I can be very quiet mommy, I can sleep during naptime”). Sunday morning, I thought, “Why not?” and so me and the kids got to work re-arrancing Jocelyn’s room to accomodate Ethan’s bed. We left his dresser in his room, cleared out 2 drawers in Jocelyn’s dresser, moved in his bed and his clothes. They were SO excited and pleased to have both their beds in the same room, and they had a blast in the new “toy room.” Jocelyn brought her dress up clothes, and we put them in the closet, and said, “Now it’s your dress up closet!” Ethan hauled his geotrax train stuff up the stairs all by himself (and let me tell you, it’s a lot, and it’s heavy) and got straight to work making a train layout. James and I got a bunch of laundry folded in relative peace while they played to their hearts content.

It reminded me of when I was younger and my sister and I rearranged our rooms on a weekly basis, sometimes even switching rooms with each other for a few weeks and then switching back. Of course, I was 14 and my sister Susan was 10, not the toddlers my kids are, but it was fun, and why not? 🙂


Sunday night we had some frantic house cleaning on the main level and I’m happy to say my sanity is saved for yet another week becuase it’s all relatively clean. If we get it clean Sunday night, then it usually stays pretty clean all week. On the other hand, if we DON’T get it clean, it’s a disaster, and it stays a disaster all week, and it really makes me pretty depressed.

Today Jocelyn starts in a new classroom. She moves up from the 2 year old class to the 3 year old class, which means not only a new teacher, new friends, etc. but she gets to go play on the BIG playground! She is very excited about this, and Ethan is too. He has already told her how he will show her all around the playground and play with her. It’s very sweet. Sunday evening, she came over to me and said, “I want to go to school,” and was somewhat distraught that she would have to wait all the way until MORNING to go to her new class.

Ahhhh.. it was a lovely weekend. The lovliest I’ve had in a long time.

-amy: established 1873, natural spring amy.

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Apr 03 2007

performance on good friday

Published by under amy's head,daily

The choir I joined at the beginning of the year is performing for Good Friday. I am very excited. The music is so stunning. So moving. It is by Dale Wood, called “Service of Darkness.” We will be performing at the Manassas Presbyterian Church, Friday at 7:30pm. You can look at the chorale’s website (which was built by yours truly) for more information, and if you’re in the area, I hope you’ll consider coming. We had a rehearsal in the church this evening, and it is a beautiful space. I was raised in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS, or mormon, as it’s more likely to be called) and while they do have some more modern beautiful buildings, they’re usually kind of boring. This church isn’t super old, but it was still just beautiful. There’s something about singing in a church that is just satisfying. Good acoustics.

Now, I’m not a church-goer, but I’m SO excited about this performance. The music is incredible, and it is so wonderful to perform. James will be there with the kids, and it will be their first experience in a church, so THAT will be interesting. But it’s important to me that they’ll be there. I may have to get Ethan some nice clothes. Jocelyn has plenty of pretty dresses, but Ethan has got nothing nice. If it doesn’t have a monster truck or a race car or a construction machine on it, he turns up his nose, thus, nothing suitable for a church.

Again, if you’re in the area, and feel like hearing a beautiful piece of music, I hope you’ll come.

I’ll be the one with the pink hair.


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Apr 03 2007

pink 2 (and final pink)

Published by under daily

So I thought I’d do it all over, and first lighten the roots so that it would “take.”

So, I bought some lightener.. started on the roots.. and well, I quickly mixed the bleach in all over, not just on the roots. What can I say.. it all kind of snowballed. I got enthusiastic! I didn’t go SO crazy as to leave it in for very long.. 20 minutes was PLENTY, and after I rinsed the bleach out and blew it dry, it was scary, I tell you, SCARY!

However, the pink went on much better in round 2. Very pink. Very vibrant.

So here we are, Pink 2 (otherwise known as “final” pink or PINK!):



I’m still kind of processing my own thoughts on it. I was a little aghast after seeing the results of Pink 2. I mean, pink 1 was nice and all, but pink 2 is hardcore. Pink 2 is not kidding around. Pink 2 isn’t all mimsy pimsy about being pink, it is all pink, all the time, and it is not ANYTHING else! I wasn’t sure how I felt about being that hardcore pink. However, after a day of being PINK! and getting all kinds of reactions (all surprisingly very very positive!) the PINK! is growing on me 🙂

the #1 question is, why? the easiest answer is why not? or I thought it would be fun. Which is true 🙂 But a more honest answer is probably that I felt like I needed a change, something to jolt me in people’s perceptions of surburban working mom.. I think I needed to jolt myself as well. Sometimes, you need a little jolt, don’t you think?

I’m keeping it for at least a week, to see how it goes, if it fades or sticks around, and then I’ll reevaluate. I don’t think I’ll be a pink haired mom forever, and last night, I was pretty sure a week sounded like a bit too long.. but tonight I feel like I could be PINK! for a whole month 🙂 I guess we’ll see.

-pink amy doesn’t really even like pink that much.

ps: the “category” is “amy’s head.” get it? it’s literally amy’s head!!!

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Apr 02 2007

pink 1

Published by under amy's head,daily

Pink 1 went like this:

(Please disregard that stilted, crazed, frozen look on my face. that is the look one gets when one is staring at the camera in someone elses’ hands wondering how it will turn out and when are they going to click the button already? Yeah. not the best expression, but the best hair picture. ohwell.)



I thought it would be cool to just do the top pink. I liked the idea of having the brown show through. And I did quite like it in the back.. however, from the front it just looked kind of dopey. Plus, it didn’t take on the roots at all.

All in all…. I wanted a do-over.

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Apr 02 2007

not TRYING to keep the suspense going…

Published by under amy's head,daily

… but I grabbed the wrong cord on my way out the door this morning, which means while I can plug my IPOD into my computer just fine, I have no way to get the pictures off my camera. Doh. I’m not going to subject anyone to crappy cameraphone pictures, so you’ll just have to wait.

I will say that we went through Pink 1: top only, and we are now at Pink 2: All Pink, All the time.

Tomorrow. I promise more tomorrow.


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