Archive for January, 2007

Jan 20 2007

blast from the PRESENT

Published by under daily,kids,photos

James took the kids out one December weekend, and took these cute running-around-crazy-in-a-field pictures.

I couldn’t come up with any witty captions.

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Jan 19 2007

GIRL blast from the past!

Published by under daily,kids,photos

And once again, I didn’t get new photos off the camera last night. And since I dug up cute baby Ethan pictures, I can’t leave Jocelyn out of it, can I?

Here she is, just over 1 year old.

Oh my goodness. Shoes! That I can put on! I don’t think this will ever not be fun!

Your shoes are so much more fun than mine, Mom.

I think I’ll sit still for a second, so they have at least one photo of me that isn’t blurry. But I won’t look at you. I REFUSE.

And I’m off! There’s some fuzz over there that I definitely need to eat!

Aren’t my little robeez shoes cute? If I wiggle them just so, I can make folks go, “awwwwww!”

I kind of like the power.

This is my daddy. He’ll pretty much do whatever I want him to. Especially when I grin at him.

See? POWER! I WILL RUUUUUULE THE WORLD!!! Or at least, my daddy.

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Jan 18 2007

blast from the past

Published by under daily,kids,photos

Since I haven’t gotten any pictures OFF the camera and UP to flickr, here are some older photos.

Ethan at age 1, at grandma and grandpa’s house in Park City, UT.

Mom, Dad, I think I’d like to look into careers which involve long hoses and plugging things in and out. Also. Socks? Who needs em? That’s next on my list. First things first though.

I mean seriously. Who thought of this? PURE GENIUS.

I just can’t get enough of this Grandpa person. He has so many things in his shirt pocket. Plus, he doesn’t get tired of my endless curiosity.

You don’t know it yet, but this? This love of all things gadgety? It just grows as I get older.

I could play with this hose ALL DAY LONG. In fact, I did. Oooh, hey, what is THAT THING?

OH MY GOD! I can PULL IT.. I think I am in heaven.

Look. Exposed brick. If I time falling down JUST RIGHT.. I could give my mother an anneurism. One sock down, one to go.

Gotta go. I got things to pull, both of the xylophone, and sock variety.

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Jan 17 2007

last night

Published by under daily,overheard

the living room.

our heros, amy and james are sitting in their respective seats, laptops on lap. TV is on, but paused in front of them, and has been for some time.

The silence broken only by the sound of keyboards clicking now and then.

amy: *frown*

amy: “Are we out of internet?”

james: *click click*

james: “I beleive we are out of internet.”

amy: “Hmm. Funny, there’s still a teeny bit left. Enough for me to click on stuff in gmail.”

james: That IS odd.

amy: “Oop. Nope. It’s gone now.”

james: “We’ll have to pick up some more internet tommorrow.”

amy: “I can stop on my way home from work.”

james: “Ok.”


a few minutes later, but now, james is watching a show via the xbox. the file he is watching is located downstairs on his desktop computer.

tv: *video is lagging strangely from the sound*

amy: is it supposed to be like that?

james: no.. are you transfering any files or something?

amy: Nope.

james: Looks like we’re out of network too.

amy: Ok. I’ll pick up some of that too.

-end scene-

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Jan 17 2007

more from the weekend

Published by under daily,kids


Monday James and I both had the day off of work, but the kids’ school was still open. We took them to school, and had ourselves a lovely day off, just the two of us. So we are bad parents. At least, I am. I asked james if he felt guilty, and he replied, “Hell no!” I however, felt a bit guilty. James pointed out that they have fun at school, but still, they’d have had fun at home too. I know they would have much rather been home than at school.

So what did we do?

Plan A: Spend the day working on getting the laminate floor in the basement laid, as it’s been lingering for some time now (mmm.. 4 months, I think)

Plan B: Go see a movie, go out to lunch, laze about feeding each other grapes and doing things which we can never do with 2 little hooligans running amok in the house.

Can you guess which one we did?

It was actually Plan C. We went out to lunch, but didn’t make it to a movie, all the times were a bit off, and there was nothing we really were dying to see. The morning I spent sewing, and James spent watching TV and working on his computer. Then I decided to pamper myself and went and got a pedicure. I also got all unwanted hair on my face ripped off while it was stuck to some wax and paper. Ouch. I should have done that FIRST, and THEN did the pedicure. In the massage chair. It was heaven.

Then we went to lunch at the Rio Grande, and stopped in at Penn Camera to see if they had any camera bags or used flashes and generally oogled at everything. Stopped at Best Buy. More oogling.

Then we came home and lazed about some more. I got a lot of the laundry done, which made me happy. I was glad to see the kids, but by then, I was also starting to feel sick in earnest. Bummer. I was considering not going to work yesterday, but as I didn’t feel any worse, decided I really wasn’t sick enough to skip work. Today though, I am working from home. I see no need to subject everyone at the office to my germs and hacking dibilitating cough.


My folks gave me a fancy atomic alarm clock for Christmas. It is fancy, because not only does it update the time automatically (this is the atomic part), it projects the time and temperature up onto the ceiling. So even I, nearsighted though I am, can just look up and read it in the middle of the night on the ceiling above our bed. (It was 62 degrees last night at MIDNIGHT. WINTER, WHERE ART THOU??)

I haven’t had the projector part working until Monday night, as I had to pull our bed back and plug in a power strip to get more outlets.

But now, it’s working, and I must say, it’s pretty cool. My fear was that w/out my contacts/glasses, I would just look up and see a red fuzzy blur on the ceiling, but it was big enough that I can make it out. Very cool. It projects all the time, but the room has to be very dark to see it.

Now I have to figure out how to turn off the alarm, because after hitting snooze every 5 minutes this morning, for a half hour, James was about ready to divorce me.


I have been SWAPPED for the mini swap done by Mommy Coddle, and have exchanged emails with my swap partner, another Amy, also with 2 kids, Chloe, 5, and Hannah 18 months. Amy sent me a picture of her girls, who are TOO darling for words.

I told Ethan and Jocelyn all about the swap, which is a lot harder than one might think. “No, we don’t know them. I signed us up for a swap. On the internet. On the computer.” *blank stares* Jocelyn is still kind of confused. When we said we were going to dinner, she exclaimed, “And we’ll meet Chloe and Hannah there!!!” I keep having to tell her that “no, we’re not going to meet Chloe and Hannah. They’re going to send US a package, and we’re going to send THEM a package.”

James got a box out for our swapping needs, and Ethan has already drawn 2 pictures and put them in the box that we’ll be sending. I’m just so pleased with how excited both of them are, and they’ve been so imaginative on what we could send in the package “to our SWAP GIRLS!” We also went to target and bought a globe so that we could look where “our swap girls” are located. It will also come in handy for the postcard swap we signed up for that Zhinka Dinka Doo is organizing.

Swapping is such fun, if a little tricky to explain. Strangers hooking up on the internet is a tricky concept for the 2- and 4-year-old set 🙂

And once again, I’m stopping before I get TOO longwinded. (I hear the Clue-ish calls of, “TOO LATE!” from the audience. Shoosh, audience.)

But tomorrow, I’m going to tell you all about COOKIES.

-like a good neighbor, amy is there (here)

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Jan 16 2007

weekend wrap up

Published by under daily,kids


I’m really being a big baby, because it COULD be so much worse. My nose is stuffy, but I can still breathe, and my throat is kind of coated with gunk, but it COULD be sore and raw and make eating impossible.

Really, I’m not that sick.

But I’m siiiiiiiick, waaaaaaah, I don’t wanna be siiiiiiick pout whine whimper moan.


we decided to head to ikea Saturday afternoon, along with the rest of the world. On the way there, I had an epiphany. Jocelyn is old enough to go into the big kids child care area. YOu know, the one where you sign them in, they slap a sticker with their name on their back, then they hand you a buzzer and buzz you when it’s time to go get them. She’s now tall enough, the first criteria, and she’s potty trained, the second criteria.

However, her parents are still too dumb. Because in the bustle of taking shoes off, and filling out the forms, and getting them inside, all we said to her was, “You’re big enough for the big kids room!” with no other information whatsoever. Like that we’d be going, and we’d be BACK, and she can go play, etc etc etc. As I saw her walk in, all this occured to me and I paused to watch her for a minute, and she seemed fine. I SHOULD have just called her over to me, and told her exactly what was going to happen, “Me and daddy are going to go bye bye, and you and Ethan get to play here without us for a little while, and then we’ll be back to pick you up.” But I didn’t. She seemed fine, so we left, and then not 5 minutes later, the buzzer was buzzing, and I RAN back and she was sitting on the bottom step crying. Poor girl. You poor thing, you have the dumbest mommy alive, and now it’ll be very hard to try to do this the next time too. Ahh well.

We looked at stands to put a mythical new TV that may or may not be purchased this year (i can hear james in my head: “MAY? MAY NOT?!? IT WILL BE PURCHASED, WOMAN! IT! WILL!”), bought some plastic kid bowls (ours have all mysteriously disappeared), gathered up Ethan, and piled into the car to go home.

Nothing like using several gallons of gas to go buy $2.98 worth of plastic.


When we got home (after a pit stop at Target for milk and a globe) it became evident that Ethan had a fever. All curled up on the couch was he, woebegone and hot to the touch. The thermometer read 102.5, and he wanted his bed (with NO STORY, shocking I tell you, SHOCKING!) even though it was 6:50pm. He went right to sleep, and the fever came down (with the aid of tylenol) and stayed down the rest of the night. I kept checking him all day Sunday, but he was fine as a fiddle. Kooky. Maybe it was all the running around with the germ infested kids and toys at the Ikea Smaland and then a stuffy 40 minute ride home that did it, but we’re thankful it was temporary.

Fever or not, both kids are all snottified. If there were Snot Olympics, we’d have some gold medal champions right here. Jocelyn went to the doctor last week just to check up that her double ear infection she had before christmas had cleared up, and our pediatrician listened to me complain about Ethan’s ongoing snotty cold and checked his ears and throat for me (I love love love our doctor, she’s a saint). She said if he doesn’t improve in the next week or two to bring him in. We’re not even to the first week, and I am fighting the urge to bring him in. It looks very sinus infection-y to me, the poor kid can never breathe through his nose, even after he blows it.

Jocelyn is also all snotty, and even though James gave me a scoffing look, I’m blaming the mashed potatoes at school. She can’t have milk protein, and she was doing GREAT right after our holidays, and then got all snotty a day or so after mashed potatoes was on the school lunch menu. Call me suspicious, but I think those mashed potatoes are not cooked enough to break down that milk protein that causes her immune system to call in the snot troops and do BATTLE.

Some call me milk paranoid. But you know, when everyone is out to get you, paranoia is just good thinking!


I sometimes end blog posts with a plain old, ‘the end!’ because i’m done spewing out words, and yet the post doesn’t have any definitive end point in the narrative (narrative? you call this narrative? pshaw!) I’ve also found that I do this in real life. I’m telling a story to james, and let out a nice clear, “THE END!” I leave a message on my sister’s answering machine, “Just calling to say hi. Hi. THE END! *click*” I’ve grown very fond of ‘the end’. it says all the things that you can’t be bothered to find the words to wrap things up nicely.

and on that note,

the end.

-amy has more to say but she has to stop somewhere doesn’t she?

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Jan 12 2007

cute (long) kid story

Published by under daily,kids

Yesterday I picked up the kids from school and then headed to Costco to pick up this thing.

The kids did wonderfully, but I am always a little harried by the end of this sort of expedition. It wasn’t even a typical Costco trip with a full cart, I just got the hard drive, some photo albums and frames and some kid clothes (I can never resist the clothes). I’m also still wearing work clothes which just makes me feel weird. There’s nothing like wearing dressy clothes and high heels and wrangling kids in a store to make you feel bossy, domineering and like everyone is staring at you.

I had promised them “ice cream” which I usually let them have at Costco, because it’s actually frozen yogurt, which Jocelyn can have without turning her into a full time snot machine. I always feel bad about the lack of ice cream in Jocelyn’s life, so when frozen yogurt presents itself, I usually get them some.

However, I was going to make them eat something nutritious first (like hot dogs are SO nutritious) and THEN let them have ice cream.

But I forgot to get cash back at the register, and when standing in the food line, I realized that I only had 1 dollar bill in my wallet, and some change. So goodbye mother of the year, I was going to ruin my kids’ dinner by feeding them only ice cream.

So, I am giving the lady at the food counter my very specific instructions on the ice cream, which is ONLY THIS MUCH (holds up my fingers no more than 1 inch apart). My kids are LITTLE. Those cups are HUGE. They do NOT need 1 and a half CUPS of ice cream! A quarter cup will do nicely, thank you! So she looks at me and tries to comprehend what I want, and then says something that I didn’t quite hear becuase I’m trying to get Ethan to stop fiddling with those line-former-stand thingees and assure Jocelyn that yes, the ice cream is coming soon, and please don’t throw my new faux-500 gig hard drive out of the cart.

So I turn back and it turns out that she said, “I’ll charge you for one and give you an extra cup.”

She gave me a FULL cup and an empty extra cup. Hello? Don’t you SEE the two kids I’m trying to wrassle here? Now I have to move over, try to dish some into the extra cup, which still left WAY WAY WAY too much in the original cup, and no place to dump it out into. Gee thanks, lady. Next time, just charge me for 2 cups and do one swirl in the bottom of each one. PLEASE. I’ll PAY the extra dollar for crying out loud!

So now we’re outside, I’m pushing the cart, Ethan is hanging on one side, which means I have to push down on the opposite side so as not to let the whole thing tip over (remember, practically empty and therefore light cart), and Jocelyn is lagging behind singing away one of her nonsense songs. I feel as if my head might explode when I step in a pothole and twist my ankle, and my phone begins to ring, and a car turns a corner and stops to wait for me and my little train, therefore causing the ‘HURRY! HURRY!’ buzzer to go off in my brain.

I manage to answer the phone (“WHY did you give them ice cream before dinner?” “i really don’t want to go into it right now i’ll call you back bye”) and get everyone to the car. Ethan has finished his ice cream at this point, but Jocelyn hasn’t started on her (too full) cup. So I take some out of her cup and put it in the other cup, and leave it in the cart, where she promptly starts to cry and accuse me, “THAT WAS MY ICE CREAM! THAT WAS NOT NICE!” Then the usual shenanigans start in the car where I have to repeat myself about 50 times, (‘get in the car, climb in your seat, don’t climb in front, climb in your seat, buckle in, climb in your seat’ all said many many MANY times over). I had this little moment where I lost it, and then tried to get it back all at once. I didn’t yell and holler (OH so proud of me!), but I took a moment, drew in a deep breath, and said as calmly as I could, “Guys, I have lost all my patience. I don’t want to tell you again. Get. In. Your. Seats.”

And all of a sudden, they were as helpful as could be. As they were climbing into their seats (!!!) they poured out all sorts of suggestions:

e: “Where did you lose it?”
j: “I’ll help you find your patience!”
e: “I’ll find it and give it back to you!”
j: “I found it! I found your patience mommy!”
e: “You didn’t need any patience anyway mommy!”
j: “You can have MY patience mommy!”

It was a very nice drive home 🙂 Little did I know I’d lose my patience again later that evening when I would realize I didn’t buy 500 GIGS as the box LEAD ME TO BELEIVE. But in that moment, those sweet little helpful words just warmed me from the top of my head, right down to my stinking weak throbbing twisted ankle 🙂


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Jan 11 2007

feedback to western digital

Published by under daily,likes & irks,random

I clicked on 0% for “How well did this answer your question?” and hit submit.

Here was the question.

I got a popup box asking for my email address and my feedback on how this question could be better.

my response:

I bought this drive expecting to get 500 gigs. And I did not get 500 gigs.

What the answer in this FAQs is saying, is that HARD DRIVE MANUFACTURERS define megabytes/gigabytes differently than the actual computer hardware/software defines them.

Basically, this is a marketing ploy to make me THINK I’m getting more space. This is ludicrous.

This FAQ answer could be improved by Western Digital adopting the use of binary capacity that all the OS systems already use and stop trying to gyp their customers.


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Jan 10 2007

did you miss me?

because i missed you.

remember when i said that since my husband james was going to take our web stuff off our borg collective in our basement and open up a hosting account somewhere and put it all there, and this was terrific because it meant that our stuff would be up all the time, every time, even when our own home internet goes out, and isn’t the inkernet a magical, magical series of tunnels that al gore invented?

well, that all is dependant on everything being set correctly in the hosting account.

something wasn’t.

and unbeknownst to me, my main email address, the one i’ve used for years and years was bouncing all over the place.

and then, beknownst to me, my blog email address stopped working too.

and then, very very beknownst to me, my website (this thing here) stopped being available through the series of tubes.

and then i banged my head against lots of hard surfaces and cried.

you know, it’s funny how i sit and look at my site each morning, and i think, gee.. not sure what i could possibly write about.. i saw a weird license plate on my way to work. i even broke out my trusty camera phone and tried to take a picture of it. i don’t know why i keep trying to do this because it comes out looking like a big fuzzy blur. i’ve deleted a whole folder of big fuzzy blurry cars all grainy and pixelated. maybe the internet wants to see interesting/weird/indecipherable license plates. at least it would be something to post. CAN you post license plates on the internet? I don’t see why not, since folks see them when you’re driving down the road. Just imagine their driving along the internet. through the series of tubes.

so yeah. not a whole lot of inspiration on what to write.


oh the harrowingness of it all.

of course, now that it’s back, i can’t think of a damn thing to write again.

except i missed you too. i could take you home and kiss you all over. DON’T EVER LEAVE ME AGAIN! I JUST CAN’T HANDLE IT!



So I joined a community choir. I went to my first rehearsal and everything this evening. It was great fun. I’m going to help their (I guess i should say ‘our’ now) website to stop being shitty. Yay me!

It was an adventure, to say the least. It is a very small group (maybe 12-15 folks total), and they were missing a handful of members, so it ended up that there were no sopranos. so i said sure, i’d take soprano. so we have me, SIGHTREADING as the lone soprano. the director arrived a bit late, which was good for me, becuase we ran through all the music a few times, so it wasn’t completely new by the time she went through it with us. still. i was just trying to get notes and rhythms right, and maybe, if you’re lucky, words, and the director was aiming for ACTUAL MUSICALITY. you know, like dynamics and different tonality and diction. and then there were those high Fs and Gs (for those of you that don’t know, THOSE ARE REALLY FREAKING HIGH NOTES) that I, alto at heart, and mezzo soprano AT BEST managed to squeak out (by myself! no other voices to blend in with cover it up!) fairly decently, and well, damn. I must say. I am proud of myself 🙂

After rehearsal was over, I asked the director if she wanted me to audition* or anything, even though I had just sung with the group the entire rehearsal. She laughed and said no, I was doing fine.

“You are trained..?”

she didn’t really pose this as a question, but she looked at me like she expected an answer, so I kind of stammered something out.

“Um, yeah. Sort of. I mean, I was a voice major. I dropped out.”

“I see. I could tell**. Where did you study?”

“Brigham Young University.”

“Really! Wonderful.”

She said more stuff too, thanking me for giving what she was asking for, which was nice of her, as mostly, I was just trying not to sound too screechy on the high parts, get the music right, and tried to pay attention to her as much as I could while I was at it. I’m definitely going to get my parts down this week so next week I can forget about the music, and pay attention to the music.

Seriously.. it’s been … 10 years? and it feels great to be singing in a group again. I feel GREAT.

*i brought my books and everything, i was SO PREPARED. I had “Amarilli Mio Bella”, from 26 Italian Songs and Arias ready (super fancy and all classical and operatic), On My Own, from Les Miserables, and either Night and Day, Summertime, or Since I Fell For You from my jazz fake book I could do too. so, classical, broadway, jazz.. I was covered. I’m actually kind of disappointed she didn’t need to hear me 🙂

** I’m going to take this as, she could tell I studied voice, NOT she could tell I dropped out 🙂


…is still ongoing. I have selected all the photos i want to print, and while I was going to go the costco/snapfish route ($.17/4×6), it costs a lot less to just go the straight snapfish route ($.10/4×6 if you prepay) and when you have FIVE HUNDRED PHOTOS that you decide you want to print (i know. i know. i managed to whittle it down to 450. good lord.) well, that extra 7 cents a photos makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE.

I am going to check these out too. Very cool.

OK. Enough blogginess for now.

Except to say, did you know it’s national delurking week?


I’m going to try to make a point of commenting on the many, many, MANY bajillion blogs in my blogroll too, so come on folks, let’s go out there and dirty up the internet with our muddy feet stomping our comments all over the place.

And you can START HERE 🙂

-amy sings, “Cheezus was sacrifiiiiiiceduh!”

*ok. i’m being a bit optimistic 🙂 it’s probably more like…. 4. just comment already!

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Jan 08 2007

another swap! no craftiness required!

Published by under random

i’m a sucker for these things.

Here is another swap, one with geography and postcards involved, done by Zhinka Dinka Doo (who’s so incredibly talented in the crafty department that come kid birthday-time, I’m totally stealing all her birthday party ideas)! Click for more information:


and unlike the one i posted earlier, this one isn’t closed yet. It won’t be closed until Friday, so run go sign up! It’s just postcards! Fun and EASY!


UPDATE: And now I have it properly linked!

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