Dec 21 2006

Santa Train 2006

Published by at 10:12 am under daily,kids,photos

If you live in the northern va area and have little kids that love trains, I can’t recommend the Santa Train enough. For $4 a ticket, proceeds going to Operation Lifesaver, an organization dedicated on train safety education, you get a train ride, train safety coloring books, a glimpse of Santa on the train, and very excited and happy kids. The only problem is they sell out so quickly, usually within 4-5 days after going on sale.

Since the event is already over, the pages on the various websites regarding this event have been taken down, but next November, you can vist the VRE website and I’m sure they will have it again. They have several different stops along the western rail (Manassas, Burke, etc) and eastern rail (Woodbridge, Springfield, etc.) This year, once again the train was a big hit. Learning from last year, the kids do get bored in the middle, so we brought snacks.

Most ironic moment.. standing at the station, the train easing up, to see some dumbass parents ignore the flashing lights and lowered gates to RUN ACROSS THE TRACKS with their kids in tow, to get on the station side of the tracks before the train comes up. Exactly what the Operation Lifesaver program later instructs our kids circle in the coloring book they hand out as “unsafe behaviour.”

Anyway. On to the cuteness. You can view the entire flickr set as well.

trying to get a glimpse of Santa

These kids grow up so quickly in a year. Last year’s Santa train:

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Santa Train 2006”

  1. Caitlinon 21 Dec 2006 at 12:00 pm

    We’ll definitely have to look into that for next year. Paul is more of a truck person, but he still likes trains. Looks like the kids had lots of fun :).

  2. annaon 21 Dec 2006 at 12:50 pm

    It looks like you guys had a blast.

  3. Chrison 27 Dec 2006 at 9:05 pm

    Okay, I’ve lived here for 16 years and I’ve never heard of this. That’s awesome!! Thanks for the tip!!