Sep 20 2006
- Knobs are good. Knobs are wonderful. I love me some knob.
- Gas out in the sticks is much cheaper than gas closer to the city. BEHOLD!Merrifield, VA, about .1 miles from the beltway:
Bristow, VA, about 30 miles from the beltway and .1 miles from my house:And that’s not even counting the 3 cent discount if you swipe your safeway card! I BOUGHT GAS FOR UNDER $2 YESTERDAY! AMAZING!While I am overcome with cheap(er) gas giddiness, I am actually kind of sad also. High gas prices = bigger demand for alternative fuel technology.
- Costco has gotten all weird. BEHOLD!
Strangely shaped milk containers!
- I have given in to the Project Runway obsession and put Season 2 on my netflix list. I’m watching them again and listening to Tim Gunn’s podcast for that season for the first time. This season of podcasts is much better, longer in length and he seems to give more insight, but I still love the podcasts. I may or may not also have ripped the episodes into ipod friendly format. I may or may not share them with you if you wish. You may or may not email me at amy at crazymokes dot com if you want some PR video ipod love. I may or definitely WILL delete this part since it may or may not be illegal. I’ve watched disk 1, disk 2 is waiting for me to watch tonight, and Netflix has promised that disk 3 will be waiting in my mailbox when I get home.
- I heart Tim Gunn.
- I also heart the super cute pink cowboy boots I got Jocelyn at Target yesterday and would like a pair for myself. I don’t even like pink. But I love those boots. I
need to get me some fall/winter boot lovin. James learned from one of his podcasts, that apparently a sure-fire way to get your credit card frozen, is to buy gas, buy gas again, and then buy a pair of shoes. Because apparently, when teenagers steal a credit card, first they fill up their tank, their friend’s tank, and then go buy shoes. I must be a teenager at heart, because I think if I stole a credit card, that’s probably exactly what I’d do too. Except the friend’s tank. Screw them. Let them steal their own credit card. We’re going to test it out. Because who doesn’t love to get their credit card frozen? HOW FUN!
- This is my reminder to write about
last Saturdaythe Saturday before last where I went a photography-ing and a road-tripping. I’ll give you a hint about what all went down. Linda and I ALMOST brought home a souvenir from Virginia Beach.
His name was Ryan.
- Are you dying of curiosity now? GOOD!
Now that I’ve piqued your interest, I’ll smooch you on the forehead and wave buh-bye.
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