Sep 18 2006

I have A KNOB!

Published by at 1:00 pm under moblogging

I have lived too long without a KNOB for the volume in my car. I now have a knob. I LOVE THE KNOB! But even more than the knob (I know! I know! What could be better than the knob??! Quit snickering.) is the fact that I can know plug my ipod directly into my radio through the grace of an “auxiliary input” cord. Gone is the switching the damn radio frequency thingee that my ipod broadcasted through, gone is the CONSTANT STATIC, GONE is the eye tick which became a constant symptom of driving to work while attempting to listen to the Dawn and Drew show through all the static. Now, I just have sweet sweet pure ipod crystal clear listening love. That I can turn UP OR DOWN WITH A KNOB!!!

My joy is immense.

Carry on.


2 responses so far

2 Responses to “I have A KNOB!”

  1. Hillyon 18 Sep 2006 at 1:52 pm

    “Carry On” – LOL.

    I need to get my iPod thingie for my car; I keep forgetting…maybe I will ask for it for my birthday then someone else can remember ;).

  2. kryson 18 Sep 2006 at 2:42 pm

    dude, you can crank my knob to turn up my volumne any day 🙂